
45cm Orthodox Green/Black/Oolong Tea Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-45

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Mengapa Teh Hijau Perlu Fiksasi?

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Panduan Pengoperasian dan Ruang Lingkup Aplikasi untuk Mesin Pengemas Kantong Luar Besar Teh Aluminium Foil

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Artikel ini memperkenalkan panduan pengoperasian dan ruang lingkup penerapan mesin pengemas kantong luar besar aluminium foil teh. Dari segi pengoperasiannya meliputi tahapan seperti pemasangan, persiapan, pemuatan, pengaturan, pengoperasian, pemantauan, dan pembersihan. Ruang lingkup penerapannya meliputi pengemasan berbagai jenis teh di industri teh, cocok untuk kebutuhan pengemasan volume besar. Bahan aluminium foil secara efektif dapat melindungi dari kelembapan, cahaya, dan oksigen, memastikan kesegaran dan kualitas teh. Pada saat yang sama, ini meningkatkan efisiensi pengemasan dan mengurangi biaya tenaga kerja.

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Quanzhou Deli Agroforestrial Machinery Co., Ltd.
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45cm Orthodox Green/Black/Oolong Tea Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-45

DL-6CRT-45 can process almost all kind tea, the part contacted with tea is made of stainless steel, drum diameter 45cm, height 28cm, capacity about 16 kg per batch.

  • Model : DL-6CRT-45
  • Dimension : 910*1080*1280 mm
  • Input voltage : 380V / 50Hz
  • Tea disc diameter : 885 mm
  • Barrel diameter : 450 mm
  • Barrel height : 280 mm
  • Max capacity per batch : 15 kg/batch
  • Capacity for green tea : 15-150 kg/h
  • Capacity for black tea : 15-30 kg/h
  • Rincian Produk

The Orthodox Tea Rolling Machine is mainly used for the twisting work of tea leaves. The function of the twisting machine is different for different tea leaves.
The parts of the rolling machine which contact with the tea are made of stainless steel to ensure that the tea is clean and hygienic.
The support part is made of high-strength alloy steel with a strong load-bearing capacity to ensure the smooth operation of the machine. 
The precisely designed steel bar can make the tea shape tighter in the process of forming the bar without damaging the leaves. One of the essential equipment for high quality tea.
We can provide copper rolling bars and copper rolling machine, contact us if you need it.


1. Enlarged handwheel design, faster lifting of the barrel cover.

2. The supporting part of the machine is made of cast iron, which is strong and durable.

3. The rolling barrel, rolling disc, and rolling bar are all made of stainless steel, which is hygienic and environmentally friendly

4. The distance between the rolling barrel and the rolling disc of each machine is different to ensure that each machine can make the best quality tea.


45cm Orthodox Green Black Oolong Tea Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-45

Transverse arm Support column
Barrel cover Rolling disc
Stainless steel Drum Handwheel
Crank Support frame
Transmission case Tea discharge handle
Transmission belt Tea outlet
Drive motor Support leg



Tea Leaf Rolling Machine is suitable for processing black / green / oolong / white / dark / herbal tea, the following is the working time required for the above tea production.

 Type Of Tea  Working Time
 Black Tea  30-90 minutes
 Green Tea  4-6 minutes
 Oolong Tea  4-6 minutes
 Herbal Tea  4-6 minutes

The above data is for reference only, and the specific processing time shall be determined according to the actual situation.


Tea Leaf Rolling Machine specification list:

Model DL-6CRT-45
Dimension 910*1080*1280 mm
Input voltage 380V / 50Hz
Tea disc diameter 885 mm
Barrel diameter 450 mm
Barrel height 280 mm
Matching motor Power 1.5 kW
Speed 1400 RPM
Rated voltage 380 V
Barrel speed 52 RPM
Weight 175 Kg
Max capacity per batch 15 kg/batch
Capacity for green tea 15-150 kg/h
Capacity for black tea 15-30 kg/h

Specification of all of Tea Leaf Rolling Machine.

Model Barrel Diameter Barrel Height Capacity
6CRT-25 25 cm 18 cm 3 kg/batch
6CRT-30 30 cm 21 cm 5 kg/batch
6CRT-35 35 cm 26 cm 8 kg/batch
6CRT-40 40 cm 25 cm 11 kg/batch
6CRT-45 45 cm 28 cm 15 kg/batch
6CRT-50 50 cm 28 cm 20 kg/batch
6CRT-55 55 cm 40 cm 35 kg/batch
6CRT-65 65 cm 48 cm 60 kg/batch

If you have special need, it can be customized according to the needs of customers.


Tea Rolling Machine Price

DL-6CRT-45 tea leaf kneading machine made of food grade stainless steel, capacity about 15 kg per batch, for rolling green tea about 15-150 kg per hour, for black tea can roll about 15-30 kg per hour.


Tea Rolling Machine

Screw rod oblique opening design, the cover of the barrel will automatically rotate when it rises to the top, improving efficiency.


Tea Leaf Rolling Machine

Turbine worm gearbox design, deceleration is stable and durable.


Orthodox Tea Rolling Machine

The unique design of the cover of the small and middle rolling machine can be rotated to improve the rate of strip-type tea.


Green Tea Rolling Machine

Tea Rolling Process

Orthodox Black Green Tea Leaf Rolling Process Machine Price

Orthodox Black Green Tea Leaf Rolling Process Machine Price


If you are interested in this product, please contact us to get the price.


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Quanzhou Deli Agroforestrial Machinery Co., Ltd.

Tel:0086 17750089040

Wechat wechat:0086 17750089040

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25cm Barel Mesin Rolling Kneading Teh Termurah Termurah DL-6CRT-25

DL-6CRT-25 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 25cm, tinggi 18cm, kapasitas sekitar 3 kg per batch.

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30cm Drum Smaller Cheaper SS Type Tea Leaf Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-30

DL-6CRT-30 can process almost all kind tea, the part contacted with tea is made of stainless steel, drum diameter 30cm, height 21cm, capacity about 5 kg per batch.

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35cm Stainless Steel Barel Mesin Roller Teh Ortodoks Kecil DL-6CRT-35

DL-6CRT-35 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 35cm, tinggi 26cm, kapasitas sekitar 8 kg per batch.

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Mesin Memutar Teh Twister Tipe Tengah Battel 40cm DL-6CRT-40

DL-6CRT-40 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 40cm, tinggi 25cm, kapasitas sekitar 11 kg per batch.

Cina 45cm Orthodox Green/Black/Oolong Tea Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-45 pabrikan

45cm Orthodox Green/Black/Oolong Tea Rolling Machine DL-6CRT-45

DL-6CRT-45 can process almost all kind tea, the part contacted with tea is made of stainless steel, drum diameter 45cm, height 28cm, capacity about 16 kg per batch.

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50cm SS Type Drum Tea Twisting Machine Untuk Semua Jenis Teh DL-6CRT-50

DL-6CRT-50 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 50cm, tinggi 30cm, kapasitas sekitar 20 kg per batch.

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55cm Mesin Roller Teh Lengan Ganda Tipe Besar Dengan Meja Stainless Steel DL-6CRT-55

DL-6CRT-55 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 55cm, tinggi 40cm, kapasitas sekitar 35 kg per batch.

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65cm Mesin Rolling Teh Terbesar Dengan 2 Lengan Dan Meja Stainless Steel DL-6CRT-65

DL-6CRT-65 dapat memproses hampir semua jenis teh, bagian yang bersentuhan dengan teh terbuat dari stainless steel, diameter drum 65cm, tinggi 48cm, kapasitas sekitar 60 kg per batch.