
Distinguish Black Tea By Nose And Mouth

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Membandingkan Berbagai Model Mesin Pengemas Teh Vakum

Membandingkan Berbagai Model Mesin Pengemas Teh Vakum

2024-09-28 11:14:14

Analisis dan bandingkan berbagai model mesin pengemas teh vakum untuk membantu Anda mengambil keputusan.

Keajaiban Mesin Pengemas Teh Vakum: Menjaga Kesegaran Teh

Keajaiban Mesin Pengemas Teh Vakum: Menjaga Kesegaran Teh

2024-09-28 10:47:41

Jelajahi keajaiban mesin pengemas teh vakum dan bagaimana mesin tersebut berperan penting dalam menjaga kesegaran teh.

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Cara Memilih Pemanen Teh Mesin Bensin

Cara Memilih Pemanen Teh Mesin Bensin

2024-09-04 13:49:04

Artikel ini memberikan panduan dalam memilih mesin pemanen teh bermesin bensin dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti kondisi lapangan, kebutuhan kinerja, kualitas dan daya tahan, kemudahan pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan, serta biaya.

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Quanzhou Deli Agroforestrial Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Distinguish Black Tea By Nose And Mouth

2021-06-18 17:24:10

That is, the human sense of smell is used to distinguish whether black tea has smoke, sour, stale, musty, sun-dried and other odors. The dry tea of high-quality black tea has a sweet fragrance, and will have a sweet and pleasant aroma after brewing, while the inferior tea and inferior tea are not obvious or mixed with peculiar smell. In fact, during the processing of black tea, if the processing conditions (such as temperature, humidity, etc.) and processing techniques (such as withering, fermentation, etc.) are not properly controlled, or the finished product of black tea is stored improperly, some unfavorable odors will be produced. However, some unpleasant odors are low in content, and they are not easy to be detected when smelling dry tea. At this time, they must be distinguished by brewing. It is found that tea with sour, stale, and musty tastes is not too strong. Try to improve the quality after baking.

When the shape, dryness, color, aroma, etc. of dry tea meet the purchasing standards, you can take a few teas and put them in your mouth to chew for identification, and further understand the quality of the tea according to the taste. In addition, it can be evaluated by boiling soup. The taste of high-quality black tea is mainly sweet and mellow. Souchong black tea has a mellow and sweet taste. Gongfu black tea is mainly fresh, strong, mellow and refreshing. These characteristics are not obvious in the inferior tea, and the taste of inferior tea is strong and bitter, and even has peculiar smell.